Fifteen Ways to Find Your Inner Peace

Whether you live in a mansion or a small cottage, it doesn't matter. Everyone has stressful days now and then. Your brain is wired to respond to stress with an automatic survival instinct. While you can't eliminate life's stress, you can regain your inner peace. Maybe you can't sleep at night because your mind won't stop racing, causing anxiety. Even if you're surrounded by loved ones and favorite things, this disharmony can lead to depression and despair. Try these fifteen habits to lift your spirits and calm your mind.

Inner Peace

1. Laugh More to Reclaim Your Peace

When was the last time you had a good laugh? There's nothing like a hearty laugh that touches your soul and brings happy tears. According to an article by the University of St. Augustine, laughter boosts the brain's "feel-good" endorphins.

Find more chances to laugh and reclaim your peace. Watch a favorite comedy or share funny stories with a friend. The fun and laughter can relax your brain and bring instant joy.

2. Meditate to Find Peace on Stressful Days

Many people mistakenly believe that material things can bring peace. However, money can't buy peace or happiness. Bigger and more expensive items are temporary and can even add stress.

Instead, find peace within yourself. Create a quiet space at home to meditate and practice mindful breathing. Discover the calming benefits of simply "being" and letting go of unrealistic expectations.

3. Manage Your Stress to Reclaim Peace

What stresses you out? While some stress is normal at home and work, too much can be harmful. To reduce anxiety and reclaim peace, you must first identify these stressors.

Can you make lifestyle changes to reduce stress at home? Maybe procrastination and poor time management are causing anxiety. Identifying stressors and finding ways to reduce them can lighten your load.

4. Dance and Listen to Music

Throughout history, humans have connected with the divine and each other through music and dance. It's a universal language that speaks to the soul. Music and dance are excellent stress relievers that can help you reclaim peace.

When you feel stressed, play some of your favorite tunes. Move your body and dance for fun. You'll feel better, and the music can spark your creativity. Living peacefully is much better than being anxious all the time.

5. Stretch or Massage Your Body

Stress affects you mentally and emotionally and can cause physical issues. When you're stressed and anxious, you feel tension in your neck, back, and other muscles.

Chronic stress can lead to frequent pain or worsen a recurring condition.

Soothe your tired and achy muscles with gentle stretches. Practicing yoga every day can strengthen your muscles and calm your mind. You can also get a massage to work out the tension in your muscles and joints.

6. Clear Your Energy

If you could see with your spiritual eyes, you'd notice that everyone has an aura or sphere of energy around them. This energy can be positive or negative, depending on your mindset. Other people's energy can also affect your own, and sometimes it needs cleansing.

An article published by Yoga Journal suggests that you clear your energy often. You can use meditative visualization, mineral water spritzes, or burning white sage. According to the article, these are common ways to brush out the negative and invigorate your spirit with positive energy.

7. Unplug or Lessen Screen Time to Reclaim Your Peace of Mind

Let's face it, much of your world depends on technology. Your smartphone, mobile devices, TVs, and computers dominate your daily activities. Unfortunately, not all of the information the media pumps into your mind is positive.

One of the best daily habits to reclaim your peace of mind is to unplug from technology for a while, says author Naomi Shimada in a Ted Talk. Create blocks of technology-free time during meals and other family activities. Turn off your phone and mobile devices and limit your screen time in the evening.

8. Practice Gratitude Despite Stressful Times

Why is it easy for people to focus on negative rather than overwhelmingly positive things? According to the law of attraction, concentrating on negativity produces negative affirmations into the Universe. In turn, you'll continue to attract more of the same until you change your mindset.

What are the blessings in your life for which you are grateful? Consider keeping a gratitude list and jot down anything that comes to mind. Determine every day to say "thank you" to the Universe.

9. Reclaim Your Peace of Mind By Learning Forgiveness

The beauty of forgiveness is that it benefits both the forgiver and the forgiven. It is human nature to falsely assume that holding a grudge will punish those who hurt you. However, bitterness is an insidious poison that only harms the grudge bearer.

Forgiveness doesn't excuse or forget the pain that others have caused. Nor does it mean you must let that person back into your life. Use it as a gift to acknowledge the offense and move on.

You can also burden your life with past regrets and offenses you've committed. It takes a big person to admit you were wrong and ask for forgiveness. Even if the person refuses to forgive you, it will no longer be your burden.

Finally, do not forget to forgive yourself and find the peacefulness you need. Forgive yourself for your mistakes and shortcomings and pick yourself up from the mud. While you can't undo the past, each day is a new page for you to script your present and future.

10. Uncover the Emotional Gunk You've Been Hiding

Speaking of baggage, what other emotional cobwebs are blocking the light of joy from your spirit?

Consider giving your mind and soul a thorough spring cleaning. At first, it might feel strange to sweep away all the pain, frustration, and regret you've kept hidden for years.

Although you can't erase this spiritual clutter, you can release it into the Universe. Let go of criticism, judgment, and anger, and replace them with acceptance, peace, and contentment. You'll be amazed at how much space you have in your heart when you clear out the junk from the past.

11. Extend Love to Others

It's a mistake to think of love as just an emotion when it's really a choice. You're not forced to love your family and friends. It's a choice you make willingly as you accept love from them.

The love you have for your significant other goes beyond the feeling of infatuation. You choose to love them and let them love you. Offering love to others costs you nothing but means everything to you and those you love.

12. Learn to Be More Detached

Everyone gets attached to their families, careers, money, and possessions. However, being emotionally attached can often stand in the way of realizing your dreams. It makes you feel like you'll only be whole if you have these things, the perfect mate, the perfect house, etc.

When you let go of the illusion of perfection, you can detach from the chains of wanting bigger and better. Buddhists call it anatta, which means removing your attachment to worldly desires. Then, you can enjoy what you have and focus on spiritual renewal.

13. Take Short Naps to Reclaim Your Peace of Mind

In many cultures worldwide, taking short naps during the day is not optional; they are mandatory. Countries like Italy and Mexico often close shops during the day's heat for people to take siestas. These short rests restore energy for the rest of the day.

If you feel drained during the day, take a power nap for about fifteen minutes. You can even do it on your lunch break at work. This brief rest can be the boost you need for your happiness and to recharge your batteries.

14. Practice Tolerance and Patience

This world is big enough for different opinions and personal perspectives. When you accept others as they are and practice tolerance and patience, you feel more content in your space. Plus, you receive the blessings of tolerance from other people.

15. Roam The Great Outdoors After a Stressful Day

There's an unexplainable comfort in nature that you can enjoy anytime. Release those stressful moments by walking through the woods or your neighborhood park. Inhale the fresh air and express gratitude for the trees, plants, water, and little woodland creatures.

Final Thoughts on Ways to Have Peace of Mind, Even on a Stressful Day

Are you tired of just existing and not living up to your full potential? Try these helpful tips and other ways to bring joy and peace to your entire being on the most stressful days. Not only can you have more clarity to define your destination, but you will enjoy the trip.

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